Its been another busy weekend here - Friday night Glenn and I had a function to go to so Hannah spent the night with her Nannie and Grandad (my parents) then last night Miss Zoe came to stay. I've also been playing catch up with lots of little jobs I needed to get done this weekend. Presently, our Christmas cake is baking in the oven, yummo, it smells delicious.
I finished this lovely freebie ornament yesterday - I used the suggested threads and its been backed with the same fabric that I used for Hannah's stocking.
Christmas Quaker Stockingfreebie design found here
Can you believe that Hannah is now 18 1/2 months old - this my current favourite photo of her, taken Friday morning while she is watching her music dvd.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend and as always, thanks for stopping by.
good work and she is realy sweety
have a nice weekend
Love the ornie finish, so cute! Hannah is adorable!!!
Nice stocking finish.
Hannah is just so adorable!
That is a great ornament! Thanks for the link. Hannah is definitely a cutie and is growing so quickly!
Love the ornie, it just too cute!! Great job. Hannah looks so adorable. They just grow up so fast!!
The christmas ornie is just too cute! Hannah is sweet and adorable. Have a nice weekend :)
That ornie is almost as cute as sweet Hannah! Great finish!!
Yet another gorgeous finish - you always do such a wonderful job of stitching and finishing :D Lovely to see how much Hannah has grown!
Gorgeous stocking finish - thanks for sharing the link.
Hannah is a real cutie :)
Very cute stocking, and what a sweet picture of Hannah!
A lovely finish. It doesn't seem 5 minutes since Hannah was born. Time flies!
Cute stocking!
and what a pretty little princess
Love the little stocking, but Hannah takes the cake...what a cutie she is! Wish mine were still that small...they are 23 and 20 now! Course, that's why we have grandchildren, isn't it??!!
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