I received my first Crescent Colours Monthly Bits from Stitching Bits and Bobs yesterday, wahoo! I was really happy with the threads I got, now its only another four weeks until the next lot come, can I wait that long :) I also received a small order that I'd placed sometime early June I think? The longly awaited Mermaid Heart, Bloom Where You are Planted, M Designs Rose Mosiac needleroll and several threads of my list.
and here Charlotte's Web Peace ornament which I made up over the recent weekend. This was June's choice for the kiwi ornie SAL with Kath, Lisa and Pat. I think I'm going to give this one to my MIL, Heather. Its a lovely stitch so I may even stitch it again for friend. It does use quite a bit of Kreinik thread, almost a whole roll.
Today at work all the staff and our clients are going out to a local restaurant for a midwinter lunch. We go every year at this time, and it seems like last year's was just the other day, where is the year going to?
Thanks for the comments about the framing too, they are really appreciated. I'd better get going and get myself to work :) Have a good day or evening.
I've been looking at Mermaid Heart for a while. I can't wait to watch you stitch it up.
Katrina, lovely new stash! And what a beautiful ornament the pillow finish with the organza ribbon is just elegant!
Gorgeous ornament Katrina - and great stash :)
Beautiful ornament and I love the stash!
Katrina, your framed I Do piece is beautiful and I love your ornament - wow, a ton of Kreinik! I just bought Mermaid Heart too and can't wait to stitch it!
Grest stash Katrina.
Your ornament has turned out lovely, bet you are pleased with it too.
Stay warm up there...
What a lovely ornament!! Your MIL is a lucky lady.
Please help - I see you have a needle roll in your new stash. What exactly is a needle roll for/does one do with a needle roll? I've seen that quite a few people are making them but can figure out what they are.
Beautiful ornament Katrina - as usual!
Gotta love those stash enhancing packages too!
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