Thursday, July 06, 2006

Needleroll SAL

Who's going to needleroll SAL this coming weekend? I've chosen Sweetheart Tree's Victorian Floral for this month's choice, and Andrea is thinking of stitching Sweetheart Tree Wildflowers. Lisa, are you going to be needlerolling too?

Please let me know if you want to join in this month and I'll post a link to your blog so we can keep an eye on one another's progress :)


Lisa said...

Yes, I'm planning to join in this month. I'm doing a freebie sampler (truly just sampler stitches). I have it printed out and ready to go. :) Thankfully I remembered last night.

lobea2004 said...

Katrina, I can't wait to see you future projects' list. I think it's funny to have this kind of album.

Karoline said...

I shall be pick up Shepherds Roll again this weekend. I'm off to a gtg so I should get a lot of stitching time in.

Running Kiwi said...

I'm very very tempted!

I owe you a very very late email Katrina - sorry, I haven't forgotten you!

Wendy said...

A needleroll SAL? I had not heard about this before. But what a coincidence - today I just pulled all the flossies and fabric that I need for a Sweetheart Tree one I'm planning to stitch. This one is for a Needleroll exchange on the Robins Nest Exchange Board.

Our exchange isn't going to occur until later in the summer, but I like to be ready! ;-D

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