My blog title today describes our weather at the moment -its wet and wild out there!! I really wished this morning I could have traded places with our kitty, she was all curled up in front of the fire, rather than going out in the cold to get to work. Nevermind......
I hope you've had a good few days? I had a lovely small break away, visiting with my aunt, uncle and cousin over the weekend. We did a spot of shopping and went to see Poseidon at the movies. I don't know how much I actually saw with my hands over my eyes much of the time!!! Glenn had a good time in Auckland too, watching the All Blacks play the Irish rugby team.
I've done no stitching whatsoever since Thursday evening, tried to do a little on Coffee Menu last night but my eyes were too weary, so the withdrawal syptoms will be kicking in later, lol. I hope to make a start on two more up and coming exchange pieces this week, and also perhaps squeeze in a finish on a friend's birthday gift. I received the name of my exchange partner for the House Theme exchange on the SBEBB a few days ago so I'm going to do a little investigating to see what my partner's likes and dislikes might be :)
Hope you're keeping warm my Kiwi readers, or keeping cool if you're on the other side of the world!
You'll be getting the "shakes" if you don't stitch something soon. :)
I know your day is long over now, but sounds like a good day to go home and stitch in the warm house!
Katrina, I hope your wild weather has been tamed now. Regardless of the weather, I'm sure you'll get some stitching in. :D
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