Friday, June 02, 2006

Ah, the weekned's here

My weekend has already started... yay... since I finished work at 12pm today. Its a long weekend coming up too, since its a public holiday here on Monday (Queen's birthday). I guess we'd better make the most of it since its now a very long stint until our next public holiday day off in October. I'll be having some time off before then though, for a trip with my Mum to Australia in mid September.

I thought I'd start this post today by sharing a pic of our kitty, enjoying a warm spot on the carpet this afternoon.

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our dear little Pudd Pudd is getting on in age so she tends to spend most her days asleep, curled up like this :)

Its been a very stash-full few days. Yesterday I was out and about for work so couldn't resist picking up these charts and a Teresa Wentzler book from a bargin bin at the local Spotlight store as well as some little floss baggies

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Then I arrived home to find a little parcel was waiting from Linda @ Countrystitch, containing a piece of Pipi Kiwi Illusions and some Weeks and GAST threads. This is the The fabric I've picked for Mirabilia's Titania.

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To top it off, my Stitching Bits and Bobs order was in the post today -
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I got: Drawn Thread's Wayward Garden and Sampler Game Board, 3 of the latest Lizzie Kate Christmas Blessing charts, some 28 piecemaker needles, Crescent color threads for LHN's Coffee Menu, several pkts of Mill Hill magnifica beads, Bliss Fairy by Mirabilia, Lizzie Kate's Friends for all Seasons, the Friendship Quaker Sampler, and Designing Ladies finishing instructions for the Stitching Leporello.

I think I'm in heaven, lol. On my way home today I also stopped by my LNS to pick up a piece of 32ct light mocha belfast as I'm intending to start PR's A Christmas Blessing Angel over the long weekend. Now the Pipi fabric has arrived I might just be reckless and start Titania too :) I have been a good girl this week and working on some exchange pieces so I'm well ahead of schedule with those so I thought why not, and to be honest I'm really missing not having any big pieces on the go.

so now I might go and make a cuppa and fondle all my new goodies. thanks too, for all the lovely comments about last weekend's finishing and the 12 Houses finish. Will be back tomorrow with a May round up and my June Goals, since I missed doing this last month. Catch you later :)


Carol said...

Nice stash Katrina - and a pretty little kitty cat too!! So sweet!

I found out that either I don't have any olive green belfast or I have hidden it from myself. So, for Violet and Lace Sampler, I have two options - Lakeside Linens 36 ct Vintage Pear or R&R's 30 ct Garden State Java... big decision here! What are you going to use?

I like your Pipi for Titania. I have it kitted up with Silkweaver's Ametrine opalescent belfast... maybe we need to stitch this soon?? LOL

Christine S said...

Your kitty looks like such a sweetie!! Thanks for sharing a pic.

You certainly have a lot of new stash to play with! Enjoy deciding what you'll be stitching next!

Kitty Couture said...

Wow, great stash!! And your kitty is so sweet!

Rowyn said...

Pudd-Pudd looks ever so contented! Enjoy your lovely haul of stash, at least you'll have plenty of time to fondle it with the long weekend!

Karoline said...

Nice stash haul Katrina, enjoy your fondling.

Lovely picture of PuddPudd

Lisa said...

Fun, fun, fun. :) Your kitty looks content. It is humid here these days (as if it were the dog days of summer) and we have not turned the air conditioning on yet, so our cat tends to sleep all day while it is hot and does her running around at night. She's been in practically the same spot all day today. lol

Susimac said...

Lots of nice stash there, and your kitty is just so sweet.

Meari said...

What a great stash haul! And an adorable kitty cat.

Anonymous said...

Great stash collection. How old is your cat? They always seem to find the sunny spots in the house...I know mine all do :)

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